Crabtree Creative is my personal brand that I have developed to represent my freelance design work. This first piece is a sign I developed for my personal logo
Design Concept
I wanted the sign to elude to various design principles that I have learned as a student. Basic principles such as line and value are represented by the bars on the left and the circle on the right respectively. Gestalt is a principle of design that I find fascinating and decided to portray is with the triangular piece in the upper right. Each stripe is parallel with the wall the sign hangs on, but they have staggered depth to give the appearance of a slope angling out from the wall which shows how each individual piece comes together to portray a look that no piece portrays on its own.
Fabrication Technique
This was my first dimensional sign. I learned a lot in the process and was able to learn from this experience and develope better techniques for future projects. LED strips were used on the inside lip of the frame and the inside lip of the rounded element, a battery compartment was added to the back right behind the main frame of the sign.
lots of kids had the opportunity to play around with those old View Master toys and the wide range of film reels that came with them. I decided to use those very reels to display my photos in this piece and to evoke a sense of nostalgia back to ones childhood.
Design Concept
My journey to becoming a designer all started with me developing my interest in photography. I wanted to find some way to connect my love of photography with my skill as a sign maker. I created this piece to achieve exactly that. I decided to style the piece off of the design guide lines for Crabtree Creative to further develop my brand and understood skill set.
Fabrication Technique
A variable speed motor rotates the connected reel. A backlit panel which protrudes from the side illuminates the photo in the proper viewing orientation forcing a point of interest. The motor and the lights are powered by an internal battery compartment that also allows it to be plugged into an outlet. The word “photography” has been elevated off the surface and the removable front panel has hidden LED’s on the inside lip of the frame.